You drove off the road!

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Image of the title screen.

You drove off the road! is a witlike "racing" game by panic for 1d1p 47 where a car has to follow driving rules imposed by the game.

How to play

The Level Select Screen

Levels can be selected from any section, except the final section, which requires the four middle puzzles to be all solved to be accessed.

After selecting a level from the over world, the game allows 1 chance to go back to the hub immediately. If the car moves, that chance disappears and the timer appears. Hold the mouse buttons to make the car move toward the cursor. The timer only starts when the car hits the finish line at first.

There are multiple error conditions that terminate a solution without querying the incorrect solutions. Free drive mode disables these error conditions. The 4 unique error messages are as follows:

Error Conditions
Image Error Message Condition
"You drove off the road!" The car has went fully out of bounds within a course.

The most common condition to violate.

"You went the wrong way!" The car tries to directly go backwards or does not respect the arrows shown in the road.
"You ran into a sign!" A pole has been hit.
"Your time has run out!" The path drawn has gotten too long (119200 points drawn) for the game to accept.

The rarest condition to violate.

Crossing the finish line with all conditions and rules satisfied will register the time with a "Finish!" text and record the faster of the times. If the finish line was hit without triggering any errors, but the rules of the symbols are unsatisfied, the incorrect symbol flashes red, the timer doesn't register, and the puzzle remains unsolved. In any case, the option to reset or return to the level select gets shown.


This table will spoil all the symbols in the game.

Symbols and their rules
Image Symbol Rule
Removable Signs Colliding these signs will remove them.
Nonremovable Signs Colliding these signs will cause an error of "You ran into a sign!".
Targets Always unsatisfied.
Diamonds A sign containing diamond(s) in the region bounded by the path of the car must have the same amount of colored signs written in the sign, excluding itself. Unwritten colors within the sign can have any amounts of colors within the region of the diamond sign, including zero.
Directional line The sign is the sum of all of the left and right directions passed above the sign. (ex: right right left = left arrow, right left right left = no arrow, right right left right = double right arrow)

End of game

Spoilers Beware
In the end of the game, the car is on a cul-de-sac, and driving the car off the road will initiate the credits, while managing to turn backwards will give an error of "You went the wrong way!".