
From Witscopedia
Picture of the witsend UI (white background with chatbox at the bottom) and the following conversation history: panic: does this thing work sus1d1p: nope you fucked it up real bad panic: nice! sloss\: video games panic: oh it's not gonna scroll properly when there's a lot of messages sloss\: :thumb_sup: sus1d1p: not too fond of video games panic: gonna have to keep scrolling it down over and over. gonna fix that later. sus1d1p: it mostly works on mobile ⚠️ emoji test. panic: ⚠️⚠️⚠️ sus1d1p: ox viable.

Witsend is a Witscord alternative being developed by Panic.


February 12, 2025


Witsend received an update to allow for auto-scrolling when new messages are sent (the most-requested feature) and a "send" button to ensure users can send messages from mobile devices.

Babacord / Prodzpod Invasion (aka "The First Fall of Witsend)

Witsend was also visited by several users from LCOLONQ's Twitch Channel after Prod shared a link in the chat mentioning Witsend as a Discord alternative, and the "baba is you" Discord sever (aka "babacord") after Jony posted a link there.

[witsend system message] reload the web page for new send button ! also scroll down to new message support ! ♪♬ ♪ ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ((ヽ(ᐛ)ノ)) ヽ( ▀̿ Ĺ̯ ▀̿)ノ♪♬ lcq hi testma helo pwf <script>alert('hello')</script> fae this is cool thing [witsend system message] exploitation attempt parried effortlessly. q|b hi the joker o/ hhjjkkll <blink><marquee>Hello</blink></h2> kpm hii hi :3 pwf <fart /> panic o/
Witsend after the February 12, 2025 update.

February 13, 2025

Connection Indicator / Username Textbox

Received update that displays a connection indicator and your displayed username.

The witsend screen. At the top is a bar with a green dot indicating that the user is connected. panic witsend update. reload in like a couple seconds for active connection indicator thing active connection indicator thing hey. POLL yes or Yes vote now j YES susp1pd1 "now" POLL vote yes or vote Yes and do so now susp1pd1 "vote Yes" POLL i was expecting you to say "yes or vote Yes" so good job for surpassing my expectations alright now you have two options your first option is to vote yes. your second option is to vote Yes. please exercise one of your two options now. susp1pd1 faster to vote yes
Witsend after the February 13, 2025 update.

February 18, 2025

Colour Usernames / Mobile-Friendly

Update that lets users pick a colour for their username. Also adds a text box at the top of the screen where users can type in their username, instead of being prompted when loading the page.

The update also made the UI more user-friendly when viewed on a mobile device.

Witsend after the February 18, 2025 update.

February 20, 2025

"pay noneuclidean" Button

Added "pay noneuclidean" button next to "send" button that generates a message saying "$X has been deposited into noneuclidean's account." where X is a random number. The range of possible values is unknown, but likely between 1-99 inclusive.

The button was subsequently removed later that day.

[Bank of Witscord] $62 has been deposited into noneuclidean's account. $31 has been deposited into noneuclidean's account. $86 has been deposited into noneuclidean's account. $98 has been deposited into noneuclidean's account. $7 has been deposited into noneuclidean's account. $86 has been deposited into noneuclidean's account. $32 has been deposited into noneuclidean's account. noneuclidean's account I'm so full of money. thefullestaccount Could be fuller. [Bank of Witscord] $2 has been withdrawn from noneuclidean's account. $19 has been deposited into noneuclidean's account. $93 has been withdrawn from noneuclidean's account. $48 has been deposited into noneuclidean's account. $77 has been deposited into noneuclidean's account. $1,289 has been withdrawn from noneuclidean's account. $1,289 has been withdrawn from noneuclidean's account. the stock market stock market [Bank of Witscord] $76 has been deposited into noneuclidean's account. noneuclidean i'm investing all of my money in stock market.
"Pay noneuclidean" button added in the bottom right corner on February 20, 2025.

February 25, 2025


Timestamps added to messages. The first timestamped message was sent at 8:41am (JST). Panic mentioned that he's not sure what the best way to display timestamps is. Other users offered their suggestions.

The timestamps display relative dates for message sent "today" or "yesterday," and (presumably) use the date format determined by the local the user's browser is set to for messages more than 1 day old.

On the right side of the screen there is a timestamp on the same line as the message it corresponds to. Time stamps are only displayed if their value is different from the previous message's value. just kirb can you add the list of future implementations on witscopedia? [Bank of Witscord] Nope panic there is no list really messing with putting timestamps on messages right now kinda hard to find a good way that isn't intrusive discord's solution is honestly really good but i also kinda don't want to just remake discord _ when will you add putt party to witsend panic trying something for timestamps i think this might be too much space taken up on mobile i'll leave it like this for a bit in any case to see how it does Zimodo can you put it like next to the name or sm panic yeah that's what discord does might just do that i wanted to at least try something else first though today at 10rise:39 ?
February 25, 2025 update to display timestamps.


A favicon was also added.

First iteration of a Witsend Favicon.

February 28, 2025

"seal gif" Button

A button was added to the bottom right that sends a gif of a happy seal. The gif was originally posted on Witscord by Noneuclidean (see: Nonposting). This is the first instance of non-ascii images being sent on Witsend.

Screenshot of witsend showing two users using the Seal Gif button to send Seal Gif images. At the bottom is a message sent by Sus' alias ßuß saying "put me in the witscopedia screenshot but cut off halfway"
Seal gif update.
The actual seal gif itself. It's a very high-speed gif of a seal excitedly bouncing up and down.
The actual seal gif.

Twitch Bridge (aka "The Second Fall of Witsend")

Prod created a bridge between Twitch and Witsend that allow viewers on Prod's stream to send messages to Witsend through the Twitch chat. This event was dubbed "The Second Fall of Witsend" by user Sus1d1p.

(✿◠‿◠)━★.*・。゚ bigbookofbug ‍낊⚹љ씗哰䛬덩줄寢ꃎ묽⪯寢䇾傑⬾Ầ挧љ씗唀䗮뭩⪯寢扊偒꒫哱䛬띩줃寢䈊傑ॶ僀扊偱ⳘẦ욁њ씗唰䛬뭩⪯寢扊偱ꙀỖ控►씍因䛬띩줃寢䈀傑ॶ⼫영唢䛬읩줃寢䈺傑⾧Ầ욁ꉲꀳ⊏䇿傑ⳘẦ욁њ씗哰䛬콩줃꼻䡠ᦝ䈅傑ꐨ囁䛸ᦝ얡傒Ἇ囂씜㍳㌊僀ꄂ꼽줄寢ꃎ꼽⪰寢ꃎ偂ꐨ囁䛬꽩줄寢ꃎ꼽줄寢ꃒ傲쨄哲䛬띩줃寢䈊傑ॶẦꆥљ씗哰䛬콩줃寢䈆傑ⳘẦ욁њ씗囐䛬읩⪯寢托偱䛠囁䛬꽩줄寢䈺傑ॶ僀䈺傑ॶ⊟䉝갛줄寢䈺傑ॶ僀䈺傑⾧Ỗ䉝쐫䡟哿䛬띩줃寢䈊傑ॶẦ挧ј씗啐䛬꽩줄寢䈆傑ⳘẦ욁њ씗囐䛬뽩줃寢托偱㋉哱䑰띩⒑寡䈊傑Ⳙ僀䈊傑㌏Ầ挧Ḻꀻꋮ䇽傑⾧僀䈺傑ॶẦ挧ᖉ씓啐䛬꽩줄寢䈆傑ⳘẦ욁㍭㌊Ầ挧љ씗囐䗮ᦝჅᘆ욁ᖑ씓囐䑰읩⒑埡감ᖑ씓唰䗮꽩⒒寡ꃒ偂ꐨ唡ꁀљ씗哰䛬콩줃寢䇾傑⾧℩욁㍳䉝唢䛬ѤჅỖ䉝렭줃寢䇾傑⬾Ầ挧㍬⺕ᘆ挧ј씗因䛬읩줃寢扊偱Ꙁᘆꆥꉲꀳ⊏䇿傑ⳘẦ욁њ씗唰ꁀᖊ씓哰䛬콩줃寢䈆傑Ꙁᘆꆥᖊ씓唀䛲띹⒑寡䈼傑ⳘẦꆥљ씗唰䓶ṅ䈅傑ॶẦ욁Ѡ씗啐䛬뽩쮃埡りљ씗哰䛬콩줃寢䇾傑⾧℩욁㍳䉝唢䛬ѤჅ੪䉝哢䛲꽙दẦ욁њ씗唰䛬띩⒑寡ꃒ偂ꐨ唣䛬콩줃寢䈆傑ⳘỖꄥ쏬줃寢䈊傑ॶẦ挧►씍啐䑰ѤᏏẦꆥљ씗哰䛬뭩쪃埢䛰љ씗啐䛬읩줃寢ꃆ偂⾧⊟䉝쐛줃寢䈊傑ॶẦ䉝쎛䡟哿䛬띩줃寢䈊 nichePenguin ‍what would you do if A CREEPER appeared right behind you... kpm what thw hell do you mean by that i need a witsend ↔ irc bribdge panic (for future reference these messages are coming from prod's twitch chat lmfao) ßuß the second fall of witsend... kpm word on the street is bitlbee dev are working on that panic (they added a command that lets you post stuff here)
Prod's Twitch bridge.

0rise-Formatted Time Support

Prod implemented a text command ("!0rise [city]") that will output the current time in the 0rise format created by Panic.

For example, inputting "!0rise hiroshima" at 15:02 JST will output "‍[🌙] Time at Hiroshima, Japan: 8rise:19 / 20set:59" (sent through Prod's user).

Later, the "!-0rise" command was added to support the negative-time format that Staz prefers. (Rather than X/Y indicating [X=Time since last sunrise, Y=Time since last sunset], negative-time format shows [X=Time since last sunrise, Y=Time until next sunset] during the day, and [X=Time until next sunrise, Y=Time since last sunset] during the night. This way, you can see at a glance how much time there is until the next sunrise/sunset.)