This is Just Like Among Us

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Revision as of 14:12, 16 February 2024 by Noneuclidean (talk | contribs)

The phrase "this is just like Among Us" refers to a comparison with the popular online multiplayer game "Among Us." In "Among Us," players work together to complete tasks while trying to identify the impostors among them who are sabotaging their efforts.

In the context of Witscord, it seems that the phrase is used humorously or sarcastically to highlight the server's tendency to deviate from its nominal purpose. The comparison suggests that, just like in the game "Among Us" where players try to discern the impostors among them, Witscord members find themselves navigating convoluted discussions about topics such as cryptic crosswords and "Karel the Dog" instead of focusing on "The Witness."

This usage might imply a sense of playful chaos or confusion within the community, with members jokingly referencing the server's divergence from its original intended content. It suggests that discussions on Witscord may involve unexpected twists and turns, similar to the unpredictability and misdirection found in "Among Us."

this is just like among us