list of every rejected/scrapped 1d1ps

by prod

This is a list of every 1d1ps that never released onto the main page, due to it being too hard / too obscure / poorly designed or presented.

I'm making a record of it here so at least there's something. Click to reveal spoilered images.

There is definitely more. This is just what I gathered and the rest are lost to raz's deleted account.

1d1p "28": ???

I completely forgot what this is for, good luck

1d1p "29": ??? v2

I completely forgot what this is for, good luck (actual puzzles ahead)

1d1p "30": A Jump in Time

Appearantly 31 through 35 was supposed to be like a sequence with a meta, I never went through with this idea as almost all banana panel died

The only surviving panel in this sequence is 33: genzan

1d1p "31": Aquarium Seoul - The Prequel

Reason for scrapping: even the fucking koreans couldn't solve it (To Be Fair they are not puzzle people)

This puzzle would later revamp itself into Aquarium Seoul

You might need this link

Hint 1:

Hint 2:


1d1p "32": Selfsimilar

Reason for scrapping: too simple

I lost the god damn puzzle image itself, raz if you're seeing this please send it to me thanks

Spoilered bc it shows what the puzzle was

1d1p "34": Gobble Thy Gooks

Reason for scrapping: raz didnt like it :cry:

Hint 1:

Hint 2:


1d1p "37": Cursive 20XX

Reason for scrapping: too convoluted

"What a find! I've managed to wire up to first contact signal from Project Tricorn, at least that's what this guy tells me. I gotta be quick though, Boss is gonna kill me if he knows im using the software for this stuff."

* I lost the solution to this puzzle and could not solve it myself again, told you its convoluted

Hint 1

Hint 2

1d1p "41": Some hidden shit in le

Reason for scrapping: too lazy (didnt go through with it)

I wanted to pull a dlo and make something interactive, I was planning to touch up le ykn sneak some hidden puzzle in there but lazy

Puzzle wasnt too good anyways it was basically dlo 2

1d1p "43": Discord bot bonanza

Reason for scrapping: not good enough puzzle for the effort

Another one cut before it was actually made. I was planning to make a discord bot that interacts with you throughout the puzzle.

But making the bot AND bringing it in in witscord AND maintaining it was too much for the puzzle's quality. If I were to put in that much effort, the puzzle itself must be good.

It was not, so yeah (to be fair what do you expect from ideas that you come up on the fly in a day)

1d1p "44": Some sound puzzle

Reason for scrapping: Playing by Ear 2

I wanted to really "perfect" the idea of playing by ear that I couldn't really do due to time constraints. Music-like music, Conlang-like conlang, using all parts of the music, all that good stuff. Solresol 2.

Unfortunately, time constraints got me again as real life started piling in. Then I also realized why do the same thing again when i can make something more novel, So the idea was abandoned.

1d1p "54": Two Year Special

Reason for scrapping: ARG / Two years has long since passed

I was real hyped for this and already had planted every "piece" of the puzzle before 1d1p 30. it was supposed to be a big arg thing where you go back and forth looking at every (kinda) witscorder's achievements that is connected via a game of sorts.

I later revisited the idea and decided to re-create the whole sequence to a more self-contained puzzle hunt with more puzzle-y homage to each members. the puzzle itself is fine i like it so i wont spoil (may come out at september, thanksgiving hunt 2023 confirmed maybe)

tinyurl, my piece (acheivement being looksy editor)

There's 9 but the rest arent too remarkable (reason for scrapping)